
Clean Transition Dialogues

Ongoing engagement with industry and social partners shall ensure the effective implementation of the European Green Deal.

Datum objave: 18. 04. 2024

On April 10, the European Commission adopted a Communication summarizing the outcomes of a series of Clean Transition Dialogues aimed at transforming Europe into a clean, efficient, equitable, and competitive economy. The Dialogues, initiated by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in her 2023 State of the Union address, are designed to enhance and facilitate the execution of the European Green Deal. Chaired by Executive Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič, these discussions will influence the upcoming European Council's deliberations on advancing Europe's clean transition.

President von der Leyen emphasized the European Green Deal as the cornerstone of Europe's growth strategy, noting the integral relationship between competitiveness and sustainability in the future European economy. The Clean Transition Dialogues have effectively engaged European industry and social partners, demonstrating their dedication to achieving the ambitious goals of the Green Deal.

The EU has already established a regulatory framework aiming for climate neutrality and a sustainable economy by 2050. With a focus on implementation, the Commission will provide guidance to support industry and Member States, including a focus on reducing burdens and equipping workers with necessary skills.

Participants highlighted the importance of securing a supply of affordable clean energy as vital for the decarbonization of the EU economy and maintaining the competitiveness of European industries. There is also a focus on developing infrastructure critical for the energy transition and unlocking financial resources to support these initiatives.


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