
Harmonizing Nature with Innovation: Europe's Vision for a Greener, Tech-Driven Future

The European Commission has unveiled a new plan, "Building the Future with Nature," aimed at revolutionizing biotechnology and biomanufacturing in the EU. This strategy focuses on using the marvels of nature combined with the latest scientific breakthroughs to improve our health, environment, and economy.

Datum objave: 28. 03. 2024

Biotechnology and biomanufacturing have the potential to transform everything from medicine to sustainable materials, making our reliance on fossil fuels a thing of the past. However, challenges like complex regulations, funding, and turning research into tangible products stand in the way.

To overcome these obstacles, the Commission proposes actions including:

  • Fostering innovation: Launching studies to identify and remove innovation barriers, and creating a digital sharing space for biotech resources.
  • Improving market access: Introducing eco-friendly labels for bio-based products to encourage consumer choice towards sustainable options.
  • Streamlining regulations: Simplifying laws to speed up the introduction of new biotech innovations.
  • Increasing investments and skills: Enhancing funding for biotech ventures and providing training in this fast-evolving sector.
  • Promoting global cooperation: Strengthening international partnerships to advance biotech research and ensure global benefits.
  • Leveraging AI: Utilizing artificial intelligence to fast-track research and development in biotechnology.

By 2025, the Commission will also review its Bioeconomy Strategy to address pressing challenges like climate change while promoting economic strength.

This ambitious initiative aims to harness the synergy between nature and technology, paving the way for a sustainable and prosperous future for the EU.

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